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Re: Blackdown Java and Mozilla

Just noting that I run deb/intel/unstable-mozilla and 
woody-blackdown jdk (both direct from apt-get)
and the two play nice together.  That
hasn't always been the case, but I can now run both
the standard javasoft.com web site applets as well
as some monster applets (1M) that tend to break
browser/applets when the standard small stuff doesn't.

In /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins the java plugin points 
over to /etc/alternatives and that is a symbolic
link over to my blackdown directory tree.


On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 11:23, Steffen Evers wrote:
> > From: 	Steffen Evers[SMTP:MLDEB@FOREVERS.DE]
> My Mozilla crashes all the time because of the java deb packages from
> Blackdown and I get these plugin131.trace files in my home dir.
> Does anyone experience the same probelms and how can I fix it?
> Should I download another Java? Maybe download it from Sun and put it in
> /usr/local?
> Any hints?
> Steffen

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