On Thursday 04 April 2002 1:24 pm, Franck Routier wrote:
> That's what I understood as well, but what I don't get is how this compares
> to other hype technologies like Corba, J2EE, .Net, dotgnu, ...
> Should it be considered similar or related, or is it something different,
> or even complementary ?
> My first thought was that it is a over-ambitious project, but maybe I
> misunderstand the point.
Getting the point is a big problem with most of the `projects' listed above.
At least, Corba is in essence just a protocol, vendors are the guys that make
it look very bloated, but there are a lot of good free implementations out
there which make it worthwhile. J2EE is extremely flawed. Although JBoss is
a nice project and I wish Marc and his crew a lot of success, it is still
very terrible to use in production mainly because the J2EE specification is
not that clever and their own reference implementations (Tomcat/Catalina) is
extremely buggy and they do not behave as specified or even to date have
buggy security code. Not to mention that sometimes configuration directives
are simply `forgotten' etc... the list goes on.
However, a framework for writing sensible distributed applications can be
quite a good thing and if Jtrix has a more sensible approach AND a good
implementation + spec then it might be worth looking into it. But I'd
approach it with a very skeptical eye because I'm quite hype-shocked by now.
Thanks for the pointer though && Happy Hacking!
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