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Re: fop batik xerces

On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 06:44:40AM -0500, Eric Smith wrote:
> Hi
> I am having problems embedding fonts with fop and want to upgrade to the lastest version.
> However if I install the latest libfop viz libfop-java 1:0.20.3-1, I
> cannot get fop to execute without class not found errors.
> I also cannot find a batik package.
> Any suggetions?

Have you read the README.Debian file? If not do so.
You can also look at http://bugs.debian.org/138109 which clarifies
some things.

The problem with fop is that it depends on not yet packaged software.
The only way to fix that is to package it (I'll try to get some time some
day, but first I'll fix cocoon...)


// Ola

> thanx
> -- 
> Eric Smith
> -- 
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