Re: CLASSPATH and Jikes
Hi Adam,
well I think that initially only the bootclasspath and the classpath for the
main packages (java.**, javax.**, ...) should be specified by debconf. So
your suggestion [1] Kaffe ... is quit allright but then you have your
compiler not running out of the box because many people use a big variety of
libs for their programs (just think about xml or all the apache libs). To
find the different libs by parsing would be a good idea when there is a
locate db then it's also fast. If there were found several libs then the user
should choose those with a checkbox UI. Then you could export the users most
preferred cp. Maybe you could create a script which can easely adopted to
changing needs. Where you list all found java-libs then the developer can
choose by commenting/uncommenting the needed/not needed libs. These are only
suggestions by an unexperienced debian user but maybe you can use some of
these aspects.
On Saturday 30 March 2002 04:59, Adam Majer wrote:
> Hi all,
> At this moment I am the maintainer for Jikes. The one thing that I
> do not like about the package is that it does not work out of the
> box without some intervention from the user. That is, CLASSPATH
> needs to be defined.
> The trouble is that I don't think it is up to me to decide which
> java classes jikes should use. I propose the following:
> Debconf should be used to allow the user to select the priority
> of the classes that jikes should check for. IOW, something like
> [1] - Kaffe
> [2] - Other [admin enters path]
> [3] - IBM JDK
> [4] - Sun.
> etc...
> I looked over the Java policy and it seems to imply that user
> should be able to use a compiler out of the box as the package
> should find the installed classes.
> Should I implement this or use some other magic?
> Thank you,
> Adam
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