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general maintainer questions

I have been using Debian for some time now and I have been very pleased
to be a part of such a noteworthy community.  I've been looking to help
maintain a package, but I've been carefull not to voluteer to do so
untill I found a package that I really liked and needed to use, that was
not already included in the distribution.

I've found that one of the main things that makes Debian such a good
distro is that the people that actually manage the packages have so much
to gain and lose from doing it right/wrong ... and you get quality stuff
...what a great system...

The one package that I think I would like to see in Debian that is not
already included is jEdit.  jEdit is an extremely powerfull editor / env
for programers and serves MANY usefull functions due to its extensible

so I guess my questions are....

1.  I've checked many mailing lists (jedit lists too) and there doesn't
seem to be any official or unofficial jedit packages that exist or are
in the works already... am I wrong?

2.  I realize that jEdit is a program that is designed to run on a JVM
that is not considered FREE by normal Debian standards... but would
Debian provide the infastructure neccessary to maintain and distribute
the package seing as how jEdit relies on non-free, non-packaged

3.  What is the status of officially including a Java 2 sdk in the

I was just interested in getting some feedback ... from people who have
be there and done that...


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