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Hey, so, I'm wondering about something, and I don't see it in
java-policy, so I thought I'd vent here about it.

There are a number of Java-related packages in Debian that need, but
don't provide, Java standard classes (java.net.*, java.lang.*,
etc.). For example, there's jikes, the Free compiler already in main,
and japhar, the JVM, which is on its way to being
packaged. Conversely, there's packages that provide standard classes,
such as classpath (also being packaged).

It seems to me that there should be at least one more pseudo-package
for Java, which means that the standard classes are required or
provided. I was thinking that the name could be:


...and that the version could be the same as the JDK version of the
standard classes (1.0, 1.1, 1.2). 

Anyways, just a thought.

Evan Prodromou

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