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Re: java/tomcat & libwrap

>>>>> "J" == J R Westmoreland <jr@jrw.org> writes:

J> I hope this is not TOO stupid of a question but.... Tomcat uses
J> port 8007 for communications with apache. Is there a way, or does
J> it already exist, to tcp wrap this port? I have noticed that MANY
J> other daemon or daemon like apckages support this function. Java on
J> the other hand seems to behave differently in this regard.

The Tomcat documentation suggests to use ipchains/iptables for that.

An even better solution would be: only listen to requests from

G. ``Iggy'' Geens - ICQ: #64109250
Home: <ggeens@iname.com> - Work: <guy.geens@cgey.be>
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`I want quality, not quantity. But I want lots of it!'

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