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Re: Java libraries and proposal.

[Please cc this discussion to java@gcc.gnu.org, the mailing list for
Gcj.  A goal for this dicussion is to work out a policy that GNU tools
and applications, including Gcj and automake, can implement as their
default when configured with prefix=/usr.  This is is a general GNU and
FHS standardization issue, not just a Debian policy issue.]

Ola Lundqvist <opal@debian.org> wrote:

> Java libraries:
> * Java libraries should go to /usr/share/java if they are
>   jar files and /usr/share/java/repository if they are a collection
>   of classes.

This is the same as the current draft policy.  On the other hand:

Joe Emenaker <joe@emenaker.com> writes:

> Well, being a big fan of Tomcat, I'd much more prefer to see .jar files in
> "/usr/share/java/lib" and .class hierarchies in "/usr/share/java/classes".

And automake does not (as far as I know) does not deal with .jar files,
and installs .class hierarchies directly in /usr/share/java.

My personal preferance is to avoid extra levels of nesting, unless they
would improve clarity or otherwise directories get too big.  However,
this is not a big issue.  I do think /usr/share/java/lib may be misleading,
and /usr/share/java/jar or (better) plain /usr/share/java is preferrable.
I do think /usr/share/java/classes is a better name than

I don't see anything in the Tomcat distriction about /usr/share/java/lib,
so I don't see the relevance of Tomcat. I that the src distrinution contains
.jar files in lib, but I don't think that's relevant for installation.
In fact I don't see anything in the Tomcat source about "installation"
in the GNU sense - it looks like their model is "build the stuff in
place and then have users patch PATH and CLASSPATH".  I don't think
that is suitable for us.

> To prevent name clashes of .jar files, we may or may not want to
> support/encourage putting .jar files in subdirectories within
> /usr/share/java/lib.

I disagree.  My goal is that that /usr/share/java (or
/usr/share/java/lib if you prefer) should be similar to Sun's
extensions directory: a directory where *all* .jars
(i.e. /usr/share/java/*.jar) are added to the implied classpath.
(This is of course a default assuming nothing is over-ridden.)  Yes,
you could define a standard where all .jars in all subdirectories of
/usr/share/java (i.e. /usr/share/java/*/*.jar) but I think that is
going too far.

Ola Lundqvist <opal@debian.org> again:
> * The jar file should be named name-version.jar and defaults
>   should be a symbolic link with the name name.jar
>   Quite the same way as C-libraries.

I agree, with the note that the implied classpath should use the
"least-specific" versions (i.e. symlinks) and ignore name-version.jar
if there is a name.jar in /usr/share/java.

> > * Here is a proposal. API dependencies should be specified in
> >   a way so that it should be easy to set the classpath.
Joe Emenaker:
> I'm not sure I follow you. I was under the impression that the
> /usr/share/java class hierarchy and all of the jars would be auto-included
> into the classpath whenever you run java/javac/javadoc/whatever. If that's
> the case, then dependencies don't matter since you always get the whole
> enchilada.

That should be the default.  However, we need a way to specify that
version N of application X needs version M of library L.  I think the
way to do that is in the .jar file itself, not a separate file or
wrapper.  The "Jar Guide" mentiones an "Extension-List" attribute that
an applet can use to specify "the extensions that are needed by the
applet" and "Each extension listed in this attribute will have a set
of additional attributes that the applet uses to specify "which
version and vendor of the extension it requires".  We could do something
similar for applications and libraries.

Anyway, I think using Extension-List or something similar should be
a refinement for the future.  For now applications that want special
library versions should install a shell script that sets the CLASSPATH
to include the preferred jar file versions.

Ola Lundqvist <opal@debian.org>:
> * We should find a way to make it possible to use switch between
>   java virtual machines without having to reset the classpath or similar.
>   But maybe this simply is too early.

Well, each VM is responsible for setting its own builtin classpath.

> * We should find a way to make it possible to use switch between
>   java virtual machines without having to reset the classpath or similar.
>   But maybe this simply is too early.

Well, each VM is responsible for setting its own builtin classpath.

> Yes, yes, yes! Also, if possible, I'd like the individual users to be able
> to set an environment variable that picks which JVM gets run when they want
> to invoke a JVM. (This might be treading a little too close to the edge of
> legality, since I think Sun's Java license says something like: If the user
> types "javac", they'd better get the compiler from the JDK.)

Unless they have trademarked "javac" they don't get to say what gets
run when a user types it.  The only relevant license issue I know about
is about re-distributing jdk but only as long as no part is "replaced".
	--Per Bothner
per@bothner.com   http://www.bothner.com/~per/

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