Guys, doing my first setup of tomcat with virtual hosts, and I'm getting some problems. In my httpd.conf file I have a virtual server block, and in that block I have "JkMount /servlet ajp13" as normal. In the <IfModule mod_jk> section, I'm adding the file, setting up the ModJkLog, and adding some generic bindings. Now, the problem is this: When I start Tomcat, it adds all the correct contexts, including Context('<ipofvhost>:/context'). However, apache returns a 404 if i try and access any servlets in the <ipofvhost>/servlet/ directory, and checking my Mod_Jk.log file, it has added the generic bindings, but has not created a binding for the vhost. has anyone else encountered this, and if so, what is the fix? cheers, -Thom ** **************** ** Yours succinctly and without need for bullshit catch-me-if-you-can, fifty quid legal poetry stuck on the end, - Jeff"
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