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Re: Is there a FM/HOWTO about setting up java 1.2 on Debian?

>>>>> "MS" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:
    MS>  Hi, I need some advice on setting up a working java 1.2
    MS> environment on Debian: is there such a beast? I know I may have
    MS> to use non free stuff to make it happen.
    MS> 	I am trying to use ARGO UML, which happens to be DFSG
    MS> fee, but needs java 1.2 to work.
    MS> 	I have downloaded jdk and jre from sun, (and I here
    MS> rumours that sun may be moving towards a more open licence). I
    MS> don't see a fully DFSG solution otherwise. Am i missing one?

I have worked with the latest ArgoUML release using IBM's JDK-1.3, on
woody, without any problems. My approach to Java on Debian up till now
has been to download the JDK I want and install it in /usr/local.

Setting up ArgoUML requires that you have a JDK 1.2 or higher JVM in
your path; then you can run ArgoUML using the supplied jar file.

Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com

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