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Re: guidelines for making Java software easy to package for debian?

Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer@debian.org> writes:

> > Some standard would be helpful to assist in debian packaging, e.g.
> > standard configure directives to specify repository vs. jar place, or
> > standard install targets.  What would make it easy?
> Please be more specific because the policy already says things about that. 
> What is missing?

The proposed policy still has the name of the repository under "Issues
to discuss".  Suppose I were to make it configurable for Kawa and BRL.
Something like

./configure --enable-repository=/usr/share/java/repository


make REPOSITORY=/usr/share/java/repository install

Similarly for the place where the jar files go (is there a shorter name?
jar-directory and JARDIR?)

Should there be separate install-jar and install-class targets, with the
install target depending on whichever one was enabled with configure?

If I had a document that said exactly how it should work, I could set up
Kawa and BRL s.t. a change in the Java policy only means a change in the
configure directives; as an upstream maintainer I wouldn't have to worry
about it, and the Debian maintainer wouldn't have to dig into my code.

Uniformity between Kawa, BRL, and hopefully other packages that would
adopt such a standard would make things easy for Debian Java
maintainers, while letting the rest of us not worry about possible
Debian policy changes.

Bruce R. Lewis				http://brl.sourceforge.net/

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