Re: Swing?
On Sun, Dec 24, 2000 at 10:07:31AM +0100, Ottavio Campana wrote:
> How can I have swing working under potato r2? I've got jdk1.1 installed
> and it doesn't contain this library (or I haven't seen it....).
> I've found in the faq of the mailing list a way to install them , but
> I'd like to know if there's a deb package with it or if there are the
> deb packages of a newer jdk 1.2 o 1.3
Sun's Swing is very non-free software, and as such, cannot be included in
Debian. I believe it is not even redistributable outside of Sun.
> Thank you
> PS: I've looked in the ftp site of sun for that library. I've found a
> tar.Z of about 17 MB. Is ths library so big or did I find a wrong
> package?
That sounds like the right file.
- mdz
Reply to:
- References:
- Swing?
- From: Ottavio Campana <>