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Re: pnm2ppa 1.12-16.2: Please update debconf PO translation for the package pnm2ppa

Quoting Osamu Aoki (osamu@debian.org):
> Hi,
> I am not very acive on tranlation but if no one else response, here is
> my best effort to update translation.  I did change some stylistic
> changes.  I guess this was just to add "deprecated blah..." but this
> should make it easier to understand.  If others feel this is wring
> style, please feel free to change/correct.

Could you *attach* the ja.po file, please ? I'm afraid I can't find a
way to properly save your mail and extract a valid ja.po file from it.

This is probably an error by me more than you....so don't feel sorry
for this.

I suggest you gzip the file when attaching to double-guarantee that
nothing gets broken on the way.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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