Re: emacs21-nox in utf-8 with japanese and french at the same time.
Le Sun, Apr 22, 2007 at 06:46:58PM +0200, "David Kühling" a écrit :
> >
> > I heard yesterday at the 東京エリア勉強会 that it is possible to
> > use
> > emacs with japanese, but I realise this morning that my problem is maybe
> > more an unicode problem...
> You need package mule-ucs which nowadays needs to be manually enabled, see /usr/share/doc/mule-ucs...
> Does this work: ?
> M-x set-terminal-coding-system <Ret> utf-8 <Ret>
> M-x set-input-method <Ret> japanese <Ret>
thanks for pointing me at mulse-ucs. This is what I needed. As I am
using Anthy to input japanese, I use a different .emacs (found somewhere
on the net):
sorbet【~】$ cat .emacs
(when (not window-system)
(set-keyboard-coding-system locale-coding-system)
(set-terminal-coding-system locale-coding-system)
Then, I have to activate mule-ucs by invoking emacs like :
sorbet【~】$ DEB_MULEUCS_UNICODE=on emacs
Only with this combination I can mix french and japanese... In many
other cases, either the cursor is not correctly positionned, or emacs
just hangs when I input kanjis (but not kanas).
Have a nice day,
Charles Plessy
Wako, Saitama, Japan
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