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Re: task-japanese.ctl (Re: Boot-Floppies: task packages)

>>>>> "Keita" == Keita Maehara <maehara@debian.org> writes:

    Keita> I'd like to add locale-ja, kon2, konfont, manpages-ja,
    Keita> jless, rxvt-ml, kinput2-wnn and freewnn-jserver (still in
    Keita> Incoming though), all of which I'm using usually :).

These look good -- except doesn't kinput2-canna-wnn include the support
that kinput2-wnn gives?

    Keita> And someone will want skk-related packages, others
    Keita> Japanized editors other than xemacs and so on. Add what
    Keita> I've forgotten above, please.

Right, we just have to draw the line somewhere. :)

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