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Re: Avvio automatico

Il 01/11/23 16:15, Giancarlo Martini ha scritto:
hai provato dalla shell per vedere se ti da un errore

ilario@debian:~$ mullvad
Manage the Mullvad VPN daemon via a convenient CLI

Usage: mullvad <COMMAND>

  account        Control and display information about your Mullvad account
  auto-connect   Control the daemon auto-connect setting
  beta-program   Receive notifications about beta updates
lockdown-mode Control whether to block network access when disconnected from VPN
  dns            Configure DNS servers to use when connected
  lan            Control the allow local network sharing setting
  connect        Connect to a VPN relay
  disconnect     Disconnect from the VPN
  reconnect      Reconnect to any matching VPN relay
bridge Manage use of bridges, socks proxies and Shadowsocks for OpenVPN. Can make OpenVPN tunnels use Shadowsocks via one of the Mullvad bridge servers. Can also make OpenVPN connect through any custom SOCKS5 proxy. These settings also affect how the app reaches the API over Shadowsocks
  relay          Manage relay and tunnel constraints
obfuscation Manage use of obfuscation protocols for WireGuard. Can make WireGuard traffic look like something else on the network. Helps circumvent censorship and to establish a tunnel when on restricted networks split-tunnel Manage split tunneling. To launch applications outside the tunnel, use the program 'mullvad-exclude' instead of this command
  status         Return the state of the VPN tunnel
  tunnel         Manage tunnel options
version Show information about the current Mullvad version and available versions
  factory-reset  Reset settings, caches, and logs
  help           Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version
ilario@debian:~$ mullvad connect
ilario@debian:~$ mullvad disconnect

Con gli ultimi due comandi si attiva e disattiva la connessione all'ultimo server al quale ero connesso tramite la GUI.


Il giorno mer 1 nov 2023 alle ore 09:32 Ilario Quinson <ilario.quinson@zaclys.net <mailto:ilario.quinson@zaclys.net>> ha scritto:

    Ciao a tutti,

    vorrei che l'applicazione mullvad si caricasse automaticamente ad ogni
    Ho aggiungeto in "sessioni e avvio" il comando per lanciare mullvad
    "Comando /usr/bin/mullvad, Attivazione all'accesso" ma il programma non
    Sapete dove sbaglio?



Giancarlo Martini
(Replace 'AAA' con '@')
mailto:giancarlo.firAAAgmail.com <mailto:giancarlomartiniAAAgmail.com>

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