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Re: Che ne pensate della lettera per licenziare RMS?

Carissimi amici miei

Mi dispiace - me mancano le parole per scrivere in italiano - all'ora in 
inglese [non mi piace Google Translate :) ]

Arguments are hard. It is very easy indeed to upset somebody - to push their
buttons - so that they fold up or react angrily and instinctively. It is also
very easy indeed to get sucked into a whirlpool of ideas and react by writing
without thinking - or just getting involved in a two or three person fight 
because you feel that somebody is behaving wrongly towards you  and not 
listening to you. This is very natural online: you say things you wouldn't 
say in person to each other.

The issues we see on other Debian lists are spilling over into anger and
argument. Please try not to encourage them here and do not start your own 
arguments on this excellent list.

If anyone has any problems about what I have written or complaints against any
individual for acting against the Debian code of conduct - please email 

Thank you,

Andy Cater

amacater@debian.org / part of the Debian community team.

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