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Re: Debian Buster (10.4) e GIMP

On 12/06/20 09:01, Alessandro Baggi wrote:

non uso Wayland ma Xorg.

Wayland is intended as a simpler replacement for X, easier to develop and maintain. GNOME and KDE are expected to be ported to it.

È vero che ci sono cose che non funzionano (es: bisogna imposare delle variabili di sistema alla chiamata dell'applicativo) o danno problemi con wayland, ma con il passare del tempo stanno sistemando.


Dizionari: http://linguistico.sourceforge.net/wiki
I didn't use Microsoft machines when I was in my operational phase, because I couldn't trust them. Not because I knew that there was a particular back door or anything like that, but because I couldn't be sure.
Edward Snowden

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