debian-italian Jul 2016 by thread
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Cryptsetup: lvm is not available ?!? Luigi Provale
aiutino compilazione driver Piviul
SSD "comodo" per debian Leandro Noferini
Re: Epiphany e Midori non si connettono ai siti https Hugh Hartmann
OT del giorno: trojan di Stato: ecco la proposta di legge Pol Hallen
clamav freshclam Piviul
network manager e DNS search multipli Walter Valenti
bug su grep -e ? Duffydac
Migrazione hardware: converto a UEFI o lascio in "legacy mode"? gerlos
[OT] C e inotify Alessandro Baggi
crontab Pol Hallen
Para empresarios Susana Alonso
kernel hot-swap (o quasi) Luca De Andreis
The last update was on 14:06 GMT Sun Sep 27. There are 127 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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