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Re: passare da ext2 a ext3.

On Monday 25 May 2009 10:02:04 Mauro wrote:
Ciao a tutti,

[ext2 --> ext3]
> Basta un tunefs o, per poter usufruire di tutte le nuove
> caratteristiche di ext3, e' meglio riformattare?
> Non considero ext4 per la /boot perche' mi sembra che grub ancora non
> lo supporti.
Mai provato, ma dalla man-page di tune2fs:
opzione -j

      -j     Add  an  ext3  journal  to the filesystem.  If the -J 
option is not specified, the default journal parameters will be used to
              create an appropriately sized journal (given the size of 
the filesystem) stored within the filesystem.  Note that you must be
              using a kernel which has ext3 support in order to actually 
make use of the journal.

              If  this option is used to create a journal on a mounted 
filesystem, an immutable file, .journal, will be created in the top-
              level directory of the filesystem, as it is the only safe 
way to create the journal inode while the  filesystem  is  mounted.
              While the ext3 journal is visible, it is not safe to 
delete it, or modify it while the filesystem is mounted; for this reason
              the file is marked immutable.  While checking unmounted 
filesystems, e2fsck(8) will automatically move .journal files to  the
              invisible, reserved journal inode.  For all filesystems 
except for the root filesystem,  this should happen automatically and
              naturally during the next reboot cycle.  Since the root 
filesystem is mounted read-only, e2fsck(8) must be run from a  rescue
              floppy in order to effect this transition.

Quest'ultima sembra fare al caso tuo:
              On  some  distributions, such as Debian, if an initial 
ramdisk is used, the initrd scripts will automatically convert an ext2
              root filesystem to ext3 if the /etc/fstab file specifies 
the ext3 filesystem for  the  root  filesystem  in  order  to  avoid
              requiring the use of a rescue floppy to add an ext3 
journal to the root filesystem.
Quindi, se ho capito bene, dovrebbe bastare la modifica da ext2 in ext3 
nella fstab.

In ogni caso, prima sempre il backup ...
Facci sapere.

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