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Re: farsight2


Sinceramente su debian non l'ho mai compilato, pero' a suo tempo su ubuntu 
jaunty non ho avuto nessuna noia

cmq, ti allego le istruzioni che all'epoca ho seguito, magari ti possono 


On Tuesday 15 December 2009 14:33:06 1tmt wrote:
> Nic ha scritto lo scorso 14/12/2009 19:26:
> > Ciao a tutta la lista.
> > Ieri ho provato a compilare farsight2,su Debian Lenny,per provare di
> > usare amsn per le chiamate vocali come skype.
> > Il configure e il make sono andati via lisci,mentre al make install ho
> >
> > ottenuto questo errore:
> >> codec_discovery-fs-rtp-codec-negotiation.o: In function
> >> `link_unlinked_pads':
> >> /home/nic/farsight2-0.0.4/tests/rtp/../../gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-cod
> >>ec-negotiation.c:62: undefined reference to `gst_bin_find_unlinked_pad'
> >> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> >> make[2]: *** [codec-discovery] Error 1
> >> make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/nic/farsight2-0.0.4/tests/rtp'
> >> make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
> >> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/nic/farsight2-0.0.4/tests'
> >> make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
> proprio "lisci" non direi; probabilmente non hai visto il messaggio di
> errore del linker quando hai dato `make`, e il `make install` ha trovato
> il processo interrotto, ha rilanciato il make e si e' fermato sempre
> sullo stesso errore.
> > qualcuno è riuscito ad installarlo?
> > Oppure può darmi una mano a risolvere?
> prova a guardare meglio l'output del configure; un errore del linker
> potrebbe indicare una libreria mancante.



In order to make an Audio Call in aMSN, you will need to have the following dependencies installed on your system :

1 - glib 2.16 or newer

2 - gstreamer 0.10.20 or newer

3 - gst-plugins-base 0.10.20 or newer

4 - gst-plugins-good 0.10.7 or newer

5 - gst-plugins-bad 0.10.6 or newer

7 - gst-plugins-farsight - 0.12.9 or newer

8 - libnice - 0.0.3 or newer

9 - farsight2 - 0.0.4 or newer

Libnice and farsight2 can be obtained from : http://nice.freedesktop.org/releases/ and http://farsight.freedesktop.org/releases/farsight2/

Once you install (compile) all of these dependencies in the right order, you will need to get the latest SVN version of aMSN (revision 10693 or newer) and compile it :


This should tell you if the dependencies were correctly installed. If it is, then type :


You are now ready to make an Audio Call.

If you want to test your installation, launch the audio/video assistant in aMSN which will verify that farsight is correctly loading.
Step-by-step compilation guide

This Step-bystep guide should help debian/ubuntu users get farsight2 compiled on their system. Note that you will need either debian unstable or ubuntu intrepid. If you have another distribution, use this guide as a hint to knowing what to do.

First, the easy part...

Do a simple 'sudo apt-get update' to update your package list, then do this :

 sudo apt-get update 
 sudo apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-0 gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-farsight gstreamer0.10-tools gstreamer0.10-alsa

This should install gstreamer 0.10.20, gst-plugins-base 0.10.20, gst-plugins-good 0.10.8, gst-plugins-bad 0.10.7 and gst-plugins-farsight 0.12.9

Now you need to install libnice and farsight2, so first, you will need to install their dependencies :

 sudo apt-get build-dep gstreamer0.10-plugins-farsight 

This should install the dependencies for gst-plugins-farsight which are the same as the ones needed for libnice and farsight2.

You should now dowload the latest releases of libnice and farsight2 from here :


Extract both archives then go to the libnice directory and do :

 ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-gtk-doc
 sudo make install 

Then go to the farsight2 directory..

 ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-python --disable-gtk-doc 
 sudo make install 

Make sure you specify the --prefix=/usr in the ./configure options.

Finally.. the most important step otherwise it won't work... you have to do :

 sudo ldconfig 

Once you do that, in theory, everything should be great!

Now, you go over to amsn.. and do :

 svn update 
  make clean 
 make install

During the configure step, it should report to you that it found FARSIGHT2. If it doesn't, then you did something wrong... retry!

Now launch amsn, then go to the audio/video assistant (menu account->preferences->others->audio/video assistant) and in the last step it should check for farsight2.

In theory, it should all be working correctly at this point!!!!

If it doesn't.. follow these steps carefully!

    * read this guide
    * read this guide again
    * make sure you installed the CORRECT VERSIONS!!!! for example... if you installed gst-plugins-farsight 0.12.8 instead of 0.12.9, IT WILL CRASH...
    * Make sure you didn't forget anything... (--prefix=/usr or ldconfig..)
    * in the audio/video assistant, click on 'details' to see why farsight couldn't get loaded.
    * the error should tell you what's wrong, if it's something like "can't find shared library : libgstfarsight.so" it means you either didn't install farsight2 or you forgot 'ldconfig'
    * if it says "couldn't create fsrtpconference", then you might have forgotten the --prefix=/usr, if it says "can't find nicesrc element", then it means you didn't install libnice correctly (or forgot --prefix=/usr for it), other kind of errors might be because you forgot to install gst-plugins-bad or gst-plugins-farsight, etc...
    * If it's none of that, try to guess, maybe the error would be descriptive enough for you to guess what caused it
    * If you still can't find it, search the amsn forums to see if someone else already had that problem and I answered him.
    * if you REALLY don't get it.. post in the correct forum thread the output of of the 'details' and the output on the terminal (xterm terminal).. and tell me exactly what you did to get that error message... 

That's it... hopefully, other distributions will follow in debian's footsteps in order to provide packages from the latest versions of gstreamer, etc...

In theory, when aMSN 0.98 will be released, this whole thing should become as simple as :

 sudo apt-get install farsight2-dev


Q : I get compilation issue when trying to build one of the dependencies, why?

A : Make sure you have glib2 version 2.14 at least with the associated -dev package

Q : When I try ./utils/farsight/farsight ... ?

A : Make sure you have the latest SVN version, there should be NO executable at ./utils/farsight/farsight anymore!!

Q : it's not working.. why ?

A : Make sure you have installed ALL THE DEPENDENCIES.. and that they are all WITH THE CORRECT VERSION NUMBER OR NEWER!

Q : aMSN crashed when trying to do an audio call, what can I do to help fix this ?

A : try posting in the forums the last output from aMSN when launched it from the command line (X terminal)

Q : I have some problems compiling/installing all of this.. where can I get help ?

A : Make sure you follow the step by step guide to the letter! if you still have problems, report it here : http://www.amsn-project.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4799 

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