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Debian, do you care what others think?

Hi Debian,

Maybe you have been conditioned to hesitate when you see
something you want and know that you would benefit from,
but you've been so blasted with hype and sales pitches
that you just don't trust anyone anymore.

I know what you mean.  I feel the same way.  I almost 
always look for an endorsement of some sort, you know, 
what somebody else has to say, and preferrably from
someone who knows what they're talking about and has
some credibility.  Plus they should have no interest in
whether or not I buy the product - it should be their own
candid objective thoughts.

Now you see, I am the kind of person that doesn't ask for
rosy feedback on my work.  I am always asking for actual
criticism, because my intention is to always have my work
be the best it possibly can.

When the Trader's Guide to Emotional Management was first
launched, I asked for feedback - honest, candid feedback.
"Good or bad, just tell me what you really think." is how
I ask.

And here are a few of the replies that I received:


"Brian, thank you for putting together this great resource! 
The TGEM is helping me to identify my personal issues 
that I am having with my trading and is teaching me how to 
address these issues. 

The TGEM is taking away much of the frustration I've had 
in trading and is making it fun again! 

I especially like the Good Trading Checklist and the 
Digging-Deep Questionnaire!   I have these printed out and 
taped near my computer, and I am going through the 
checklist and questions before and after I trade. These 
lists are definitely helping me to focus and feel better 
about a trade rather than worried about it!  

Thanks again for this and your efforts for helping me out!"

- Glenn Martin, Individual trader
Colorado Springs, CO


"I've found The Trader's Guide to Emotional Management 
extremely practical and down-to-earth. My feeling is that 
it's like a one to one therapy when I go through and think 
about the diagnostic questions in relation to the various 
trading problems. It's a self-discovery process and it works 
like it's been tailor-made for any individual reader 
regardless of their trading background.

Thanks again for your contributions to traders' world!"

- Jesse Chan, Individual trader
Kowloon City, Hong Kong 


And a personal endorsement from the owner and principal
of a multimillion dollar brokerage firm in Chicago, 

"For those that truly desire to become great traders, 
Brian McAboy can help in that pursuit substantially.  

Anyone wishing to significantly improve their trading 
is sure to enjoy and benefit from his helpful insights 
and his concise way of communicating.  

I give Brian five stars!"

- Matt Zaner
Principal and Owner of Zaner Group, LLC, Brokerage Firm


To download your copy right now, just go to


I look forward to your feedback on the guide!



P.S.  What are you reading this for?  Go get the guide
right now and read THAT instead!  :-)


New Ireland Ventures LLC
314 Loggerhead Drive
Columbia, SC

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