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Re: Alla ricerca del superblock

On Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 04:17:20PM +0100, pacmo@tiscalinet.it wrote:
> Come si fa a conoscere l'allocazione dei superblock di backup così nel
> caso si debba tentare un e2fsck -b <superblock_number>  si sa cosa mettere ?

Dalla manpagedi mkfs.ext2:

  -n causes mke2fs to not actually create a filesystem, but display
     what it would do if it were to create a filesystem.  This can be
     used to determine the location of the backup superblocks for a
     particular filesystem, so long as the mke2fs parameters that were
     passed when the filesystem was originally created are used again.
     (With the -n option added, of course!)

In poche parole: fai finta di formattare la partizione usando il flag
-n e vedi dove sono i superblocchi.


|    Marco Nenciarini    | Debian/GNU Linux Developer - Plug Member |
| mnencia@prato.linux.it | http://www.prato.linux.it/~mnencia       |
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