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Re: Error gcc

Salvator*eL*arosa wrote:

Scusate ma intendevo dire cosa significa :
-Werror-implicit-function-declaration -fno-common

$ man gcc
  Give a warning (or error) whenever a function is used before being
  declared. The form -Wno-error-implicit-function-declaration is not
  supported.  This warning is enabled by -Wall (as a warning, not an
  In C, allocate even uninitialized global variables in the data section
  of the object file, rather than generating them as common blocks.
  This has the effect that if the same variable is declared (without
  "extern") in two different compilations, you will get an error when
  you link them.  The only reason this might be useful is if you wish to
  verify that the program will work on other systems which always work
  this way.

in pratica sono due opzioni di compilazione che fanno generare degli errori/warning in determinate condizioni ... cioè se nel sorgente che stai compilando sono verificate alcune condizioni, allora vengono generati tali errori/warning


Dizionari: http://linguistico.sourceforge.net/wiki
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