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Re: Upgrade etch e gpg

Massimo ha scritto:
Davide Prina ha detto...

# gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys CHIAVE

Il server wwwkeys.pgp.net ha funzionato benissimo ed ora e` tutto a posto. Grazie per le informazioni. C'e` qualche differenza sostanziale tra i due server o va bene anche cosi`?

ho trovato questa informazione:

Additionally, wwwkeys.pgp.net is a DNS round-robin (RR) record for the following pgp.net hosts: ch, cz, de, dk, nl, 1.us, 2.us, and 3.us. wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net is another, pointing to the ch, dk, and nl hosts. wwwkeys.us.pgp.net is now a RR for wwwkeys.{1,2,3}.us.pgp.net. subkeys.pgp.net:11371, another RR, includes kjsl.com and various SKS servers, all of which handle multiple subkeys.

Note: Some software doesn't properly rotate among DNS RR IP addresses, so using a non-RR hostname may be necessary if a RR host is down/unreachable.


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