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Re: wma :-( to mp3

<quote who="Fabio Nigi <nigifabio@gmx.it>">:

[🔎] 20050324192203.42a58db2@fabiolone.dyndns.org
> ciao a tutti,
> mi trovo una caterva di wma da convertire chiaramente in mp3,
> quello schifo non lo voglio tenere..
> non ho trovato un gran che e di scripting sono un pò negato :-(

Io uso (non mi ricordo più dove l'ho trovato):



dialog --title "WmaToMp3" --msgbox "Welcome to Wma to Mp3 Converter!!"
9 28 dialog --msgbox "Lets take a minute to setup some options..." 9
28 dialog --title "Pick One" --menu "Step one: Where would like for me
to search for files?" 10 60 3 1 "Entire Computer" 2 "Current Directory
and all subdirectories" 3 "Current Directory Only" 2>_1.txt
DIR_OPT=$(cat _1.txt) dialog --title "Pick One" --menu "Step two: What
would like for me to convert them to?" 10 60 2 1 "Mp3" 2 "Leave as
wav" 2>_1.txt CONVERT_OPT=$(cat _1.txt)
if [ $CONVERT_OPT = 1 ];
dialog --title "Pick One" --menu "Step three: What bitrate would you
like to use?" 10 60 4 1 "64 - Poor" 2 "128 - Better" 3 "192 -
Recommended" 4 "320 - Insane" 2>_1.txt BIT_OPT=$(cat _1.txt)
dialog --title "Pick One" --yesno "Step four: Would You like for me to
remove the wma files after converting?" 10 40 DEL_OPT=$?
dialog --title "Converting" --infobox "Converting...
This usually takes a while. Just put on another pot of coffee." 10 60

if [ $BIT_OPT = 1 ]; then
elif [ $BIT_OPT = 2 ]; then
elif [ $BIT_OPT = 3 ]; then
elif [ $BIT_OPT = 4 ]; then

if [ $DIR_OPT = 1 ]; then
find / -name *.wma > wmalist.dat
elif [ $DIR_OPT = 2 ]; then
find . -name *.wma > wmalist.dat
elif [ $DIR_OPT = 3 ]; then
ls *.wma > wmalist.dat

cat wmalist.dat | sed -e "s/ /##/g" > wmalist
rm -rf wmalist.dat

for i in $(cat wmalist)
i=$(echo $i | sed -e "s/##/ /g")
##Begin audiodump

mplayer -vo null -vc dummy -af resample=44100 -ao pcm -waveheader
''"$i"'' > audiodump.dat;

if [ $CONVERT_OPT = 2 ]; then
NEWNAME=`echo "$i.wav" | sed -e "s/.wma//g"`
mv "audiodump.wav" ''"$NEWNAME"''
elif [ $CONVERT_OPT = 1 ]; then

##Get song information

title=$(sort audiodump.dat | grep " name: " | sed -e "s/ name: //g")
name=$(sort audiodump.dat | grep " author: " | sed -e "s/ author:
//g") rm audiodump.dat

##Begin Encoding

lame -v -b $BIT_OPT -q 0 --tt "$title" --ta "$name" audiodump.wav
''"$i.mp3"''; rm audiodump.wav;
NEWNAME=`echo "$i.mp3" | sed -e "s/.wma//g"`;
mv "$i.mp3" ''"$NEWNAME"'';


##Remove file if opted

if [ $DEL_OPT = 0 ]; then
rm -f ''"$i"''


dialog --title "All Done!!" --msgbox "I have finished converting all
$total of your wma files. Enjoy!!" 10 60

##Clean up
rm _1.txt
rm wmalist
exit 0


> Fabio
> -- 
> Fabio Nigi nigifabio(at)gmx.it icq:155452384

	Laurent Dhima
Linux linuxway 2.6.8-1-386 #1 Thu Nov 25 04:24:08 UTC 2004 i686

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