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Re: xscanimage solo da root

* Sunday 04 January 2004, alle 19:12, windfall scrive:
> ciao!
> veramente il device /dev/sg0 ha come gruppo root:
> crw-------    1 root     root      21,   0 Mar 14 
> 2002 /dev/sg0
> se creassi un link simbolico (es: /dev/scanner) a
> questo e creassi il gruppo es: scanner? ... sto
> dicendo idiozie?

Non ho uno scanner e quindi non so esattamente come sia la
situazione... però:

$ ls -l /dev/scd0
brw-rw----    1 root     cdrom     11,   0 nov  4  2001 /dev/scd0

come vedi... i miei utenti sono aggiunti al gruppo cdrom.

Tu hai un nuovo gruppo "scanner" in etc/group?
Se sì allora, come si evince da

        Locally defined links

The following links may be established locally to conform to the
configuration of the system.  This is merely a tabulation of existing
practice, and does not constitute a recommendation.  However, if they
exist, they should have the following uses.

/dev/mouse      mouse port      symbolic        Current mouse device
/dev/tape       tape device     symbolic        Current tape device
/dev/cdrom      CD-ROM device   symbolic        Current CD-ROM device
/dev/cdwriter   CD-writer       symbolic        Current CD-writer device
/dev/scanner    scanner         symbolic        Current scanner device
/dev/modem      modem port      symbolic        Current dialout device
/dev/root       root device     symbolic        Current root filesystem
/dev/swap       swap device     symbolic        Current swap device

/dev/modem should not be used for a modem which supports dialin as
well as dialout, as it tends to cause lock file problems.  If it
exists, /dev/modem should point to the appropriate primary TTY device
(the use of the alternate callout devices is deprecated).

For SCSI devices, /dev/tape and /dev/cdrom should point to the
``cooked'' devices (/dev/st* and /dev/sr*, respectively), whereas
/dev/cdwriter and /dev/scanner should point to the appropriate generic
SCSI devices (/dev/sg*).


Ovvero crea /dev/scanner ed un link simbolico a /dev/sg0
Modifica sg0 in modo che abbia root:scanner ed aggiungi il tuo utente
a scanner.


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