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Re: Emu10k1 e la Debian Way

----- Original Message ----- 
From: zaltar 
Newsgroups: linux.debian.user.italian
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 3:50 PM
Subject: Emu10k1 e la Debian Way

>un po' oscura la manipolazione che devo eseguire su "modules.conf".

Bon, gia' che c'ero mi sono ripassato il manuale delle 
GNUvani MANmutte    :-)

modconf allows you to choose modules from a menu, attempt to load them
into the kernel, and then will set things to automatically load the
module on boot. All it does is add the module name to /etc/modules,
and possibly create a file in /etc/modutils if any special options are
needed. The files in /etc/modutils are concatenated together to form
/etc/modules.conf, a task handles by update-modules.
One thing to remember with Debian is that they do modules.conf in a
different way from other distributions. There is a directory called
/etc/modutils -- add your ALSA stuff (aliases, options pre-install,
post-install etc.) to that directory in a file called (say) alsasound
and the use update-modules to update modules.conf. (If you just manually
put things into modules.conf, then when you add something that adds
modules it will destroy yours alsa setup).
modules.conf or conf.modules on debian is a file created by update-modules
from the files in /etc/modutils. Basically those files get concatenated
into the modules.conf.

in pratica, ogni volta sbaglio sempre  :-P

( x => i)@

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