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Consiglio su BTS...

Sul mio server testing aggiornato giornalmente vedo che:

mouse:~# apt-cache search bug | grep track
browser-history - User daemon that tracks URLs looked at and logs them.
bugzilla - Mozilla bug tracking system
debbugs - The bug tracking system based on the active Debian BTS
jitterbug - A cgi-bin tool for problem reporting and tracking
mantis - A php/MySQL/web based bug tracking system. Php3 version

escludo mantis (odio mysql), non mi ispira jitterbug... credo mi
restino bugzilla e debbugs per mettere in piedi un sistema di BTS.

Che cosa mi consigliate?!


  I matti tutta la vita dentro la notte
  chiusi a chiave					(F. De Gregori)

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