(Fwd) [Tech] due modem :-(( ???
Su una macchina avevo (e ho ancora) un modem , interno V34 su ttyS2
e faceva il dialin correttamente (e continua a farlo ...)
Ci ho montato su ttyS1 un TA esterno ISDN e configurato come segue
(porzione di inittab)
# /etc/inittab: init(8) configuration.
# $Id: inittab,v 1.8 1998/05/10 10:37:50 miquels Exp $
# Format:
# <id>:<runlevels>:<action>:<process>
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6
# Example how to put a getty on a modem line.
T3:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x3 -s 57600 ttyS2
> T2:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x9 -D
-m '"" ATZ OK AT&ZI2=554627468**6 OK' -s 115200 ttyS1
(la ultima riga e`spezzata per migliorare la vostra leggibilita)
Dopo questa modifica la linea su ttyS2 funziona regolarmente
mentre la linea su ttyS1 non va ... mi spiego:\
se entro con un terminale mi arriva il prompt login, do a mano il login e
tutto precede come se avessi una sessione su una consolle seriale ....
se invece attivo il ppp dopo lo scambio di password e login mi esce di
che ho sbagliato ?
dalla stessa macchina ho provato a collegarmi (ovviamente con modem
diversi) e funziona (in V34) ...
ecco il log:
10/05 17:12:12 yS1 waiting...
10/05 18:12:12 yS1 select returned 0
10/05 18:12:12 yS1 checking if modem is still alive
10/05 18:12:12 yS1 makelock(ttyS1) called
10/05 18:12:12 yS1 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1'
10/05 18:12:12 yS1 lock made
10/05 18:12:12 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT'
10/05 18:12:12 yS1 got:AT[0d]
10/05 18:12:12 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT'
10/05 18:12:12 yS1 got:[0d][0a]OK[0d]
10/05 18:12:12 yS1 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
10/05 18:12:12 yS1 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
10/05 18:12:13 yS1 removing lock file
10/05 18:12:13 yS1 waiting...
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 select returned 1
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 checking lockfiles, locking the line
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 makelock(ttyS1) called
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1'
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 lock made
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 wfr: waiting for ``RING''
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 got: [0a][0d][0a]RING[0d]
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 CND: RING
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 wfr: rc=0, drn=0
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 CND: check no: 'none'
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 send: ATA[0d]
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 waiting for ``CONNECT''
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 got: ATA[0d]
10/05 18:33:54 yS1 CND: OKATA[0d][0a]CONNECT ** found **
10/05 18:33:55 yS1 send:
10/05 18:33:55 yS1 waiting for ``_''
10/05 18:33:55 yS1 got: 64000/HDLC[0d]
10/05 18:33:55 yS1 CND: CONNECT 64000/HDLC
10/05 18:33:55 yS1 CND: found: 64000/HDLC[0a] ** found **
10/05 18:33:55 yS1 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
10/05 18:33:55 yS1 looking for utmp entry... (my PID: 11974)
10/05 18:33:55 yS1 utmp + wtmp entry made
10/05 18:33:55 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
10/05 18:33:55 yS1 print welcome banner (/etc/issue.mgetty)
10/05 18:33:55 yS1 getlogname (FIDO AUTO_PPP), read:leo[0d]
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 input finished with '\r', setting ICRNL ONLCR
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 login: use login config file
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 match: user='leo', key=''
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 match: user='leo', key=''
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 match: user='leo', key='/AutoPPP/'
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 match: user='leo', key=''
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 match: user='leo', key='*'*** hit!
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 calling login: cmd='/bin/login', argv[]='login leo'
10/05 18:34:00 ##### data dev=ttyS1, pid=11974, caller='none',
conn='64000/HDLC', name='', cmd='/bin/login', user='leo'
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 setenv: 'CALLER_ID=none'
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 setenv: 'CALLED_ID='
10/05 18:34:00 yS1 setenv: 'CONNECT=64000/HDLC'
ORA RIPROVO CON PPP (da una macchina win)
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.21-Jul24
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 mgetty.c compiled at Jan 9 2001, 23:21:46
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 user id: 0, parent pid: 1
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 reading configuration data for port 'ttyS1'
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 reading /etc/mgetty/mgetty.config...
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 conf lib: read: 'debug 9'
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 conf lib: read: 'fax-id +39 055 495333'
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 conf lib: read: 'speed 38400'
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 conf lib: read: 'issue-file /etc/issue.mgetty'
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'speed', type=0, flags=2, data=115200
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'switchbd', type=0, flags=1, data=0
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'direct', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'blocking', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'port-owner', type=1, flags=1, data=root
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'port-group', type=1, flags=1,
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'port-mode', type=0, flags=1, data=432
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'toggle-dtr', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'toggle-dtr-waittime', type=0, flags=1,
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'need-dsr', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'data-only', type=3, flags=2, data=TRUE
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'fax-only', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'modem-type', type=1, flags=1,
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'modem-quirks', type=0, flags=0,
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'init-chat', type=2, flags=2, data= ATZ
OK AT&ZI2=554627468**6 OK
10/05 18:57:32 yS1 key: 'force-init-chat', type=2, flags=1, data=
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'post-init-chat', type=2, flags=0,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'data-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=1
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'fax-send-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'fax-rec-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'modem-check-time', type=0, flags=1,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'rings', type=0, flags=1, data=1
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'msn-list', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'get-cnd-chat', type=2, flags=0,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'cnd-program', type=1, flags=0,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'answer-chat', type=2, flags=1, data=
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'answer-chat-timeout', type=0, flags=1,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'autobauding', type=3, flags=1,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'ringback', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'ringback-time', type=0, flags=1, data=30
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'ignore-carrier', type=3, flags=1,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'issue-file', type=1, flags=3,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'prompt-waittime', type=0, flags=1,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'login-prompt', type=1, flags=1,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'login-time', type=0, flags=1, data=240
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'fido-send-emsi', type=3, flags=1,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'login-conf-file', type=1, flags=1,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'fax-id', type=1, flags=3, data=+39 055
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'fax-min-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=0
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'fax-max-speed', type=0, flags=1,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'fax-server-file', type=1, flags=0,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'diskspace', type=0, flags=1, data=1024
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'notify', type=1, flags=1, data=root
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'fax-owner', type=1, flags=1, data=root
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'fax-group', type=1, flags=1, data=fax
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'fax-mode', type=0, flags=1, data=432
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'debug', type=0, flags=2, data=9
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'statistics-chat', type=2, flags=0,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'statistics-file', type=1, flags=0,
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'gettydefs', type=1, flags=1, data=n
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 key: 'term', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 check for lockfiles
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 checklock: no active process has lock, will
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 locking the line
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 makelock(ttyS1) called
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1'
10/05 19:06:59 yS1 lock made
10/05 19:07:00 yS1 tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR
10/05 19:07:00 yS1 WARNING: DCD line still active, check
modem settings (AT&Dx)
10/05 19:07:00 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
10/05 19:07:00 yS1 TIOCMBIS failed: Input/output error
10/05 19:07:00 yS1 cannot turn off soft carrier: Input/output error
10/05 19:07:00 yS1 tcgetattr failed: Input/output error
10/05 19:07:00 yS1 cannot get TIO: Input/output error
10/05 19:07:00 yS1 mg_init_device failed, trying again
10/05 19:07:00 yS1 tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR
10/05 19:07:00 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 tss: set speed to 115200 (10002)
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 send: ATZ[0d]
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 got: ATZ[0d]
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 CND: ATZ[0d][0a]OK ** found **
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 send: AT&ZI2=554627468**6[0d]
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 got: [0d]
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 CND: OK[0a]AT&ZI2=554627468**6[0d]
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 CND: AT&ZI2=554627468**6[0d][0a]OK **
found **
10/05 19:07:01 yS1 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a]
10/05 19:07:02 yS1 removing lock file
10/05 19:07:02 yS1 waiting...
Leonardo Boselli
nucleo informatico e telematico
Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile
Universita` di Firenze
V. S. Marta 3 - I-50139 Firenze
tel +39()0554796431 fax +39()055495333
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