Re: recent spam
On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 09:17:20AM -0700, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:
> up being spammed over and over again. I notified my ISP and they certianly
> didn't care. The solution seems to be my "d" key. . . :)
well, orbs and friends made a very good work in last months (we received a
lot of spam where i work and in the local Linux User Group).
it's true, the problem is going bigger and bigger, so since some weeks
i started to call by phone the spammers to talk with them in
a *very* aggressive way, hoping that a bit of fear makes what a
gently expose of my reason had never done...
(my english it terrible, but i'm too tired to re-read and to correct
these mess of words)...
andrea gelmini
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