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ISPmail Lenny tutorial ready

Dear list...

My new ISPmail tutorial for Lenny is out. Yay!

For those who don’t know what I’m talking about: I’ve been maintaining a
tutorial for configuring a Debian-server as a full-fledged email server
(Postfix/Dovecot/Amavis/MySQL: POP3, IMAP, SMTP, spam fighting, virus
scanning, webmail, MySQL backend) since the days of Debian Woody that has a
growing fan base. Some of the new features are a simpler database schema,
server-side Sieve filters, an introduction to logical volume management,
quotas, SPF and DNS handling. And as usual it’s not just copy/paste style
but spiced up with lots of explanations on the basics that a sysadmin needs
to know to run an email server. There are also hints for readers of the
previous Etch tutorial on how to migrate. A few pages of additional
(non-essential) features will be delivered in addition soon (Backup MX with
MySQL replication, mailing lists, DynDNS, policyd etc.).

Comments welcome.


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