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Re: Debian sarge Mysql 4.1 (Too many connections)

On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 08:13:58AM -0400, C. Jon Larsen wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Aug 2006, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> >I guess I was being a bit flippant.  Sorry for that.  However, I stand
> >by what I said earlier that there is no good reason to develop web apps
> >which are not portable across databases.
> Hmm, you must like writing lots of extra application code, and doing lots 
> of work outside your database engine where (can be) much less efficient. 
> Portability is nice no doubt, especially for simple or trivial apps as you 
> want your customers to be able to run their db engine of choice.
I am not a fan of writing extra code.  However, I am willing to do some
work to get portability when it is possible.

> But ...
> You must counter balance that with the fact that for more advanced 
> applications where stored procedures, triggers, views, transactions, and 
> other custom features your RDBMS engine can provide (that are NOT 
> standard across all engines) that might make your app far more efficient 
> would go unused as you re-implement the wheel (almost always with more 
> verbose code that runs far slower and makes far more round trips between 
> the app and the db).
You make a good point about advanced applications, but wouldn't you
rather use a database that didn't take 10 years of being criticized to
implement those features (which are arguably staples of any RDBMS)?

> I'm not saying portability is not a good goal. It is, but its not always 
> the most important consideration. And as your apps get bigger I'd say it 
> decreases in importance.
Portability may decrease in importance as the size of the project grows,
but I would argue that it should *increase* in importance.  My rationale
is this: small projects can be easily ported to another platform, but as
the project grows bigger it becomes more difficult to port after the
fact.  I know that many people are scared about Oracle's acquisition of
Innobase and Sleepycat and what that means for the future of MySQL.
Now, I don't think that this will end up making MySQL non-free tomorrow,
but I would hate to be stuck in a situation like that if it were to

Look at how many people would like to move to anything other than
Windows, but they are tied down by non-portable proprietary software.
I'm just saying that we know better and yet we still conciously make bad
choices.  I know that you pointed out that complex apps may benefit
greatly from making use of custom features or features in one particular
database.  However, I think that those are by far the exception.

> Just my 2 cents.
I'll see your 2 cents and raise you 2 cents.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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