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Re: Apache2 https-ssl with single ip issues

Andy Smith wrote:
On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 01:13:05PM +0200, Felipe Talavera Armero wrote:
There are any hack that could use to have more ssl-sites without no more ips?
Search Google for "subjectAltName". It allows you to put multiple dns names into a single certificate. That might be how you'd have to do it. However... *good luck* getting any company like Verisign or Thawte to sign a cert like that. They make their money by charging per SSL cert, and I'm sure they'd catch you trying to sneak a dozen DNS names into one certificate.

cacert.org does, apparently, sign them... but I don't think their CA cert is in any browsers by default. So, your users would get warnings until they either manually trusted your cert or until they trusted cacert's CA cert.

- Joe

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