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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Loftis [mailto:mloftis@modwest.com]
> Sent: 27 July 2006 17:31
> To: Steve Redlich; Craig Sanders; debian-isp@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: NEVER USE SORBS
> > You asked for proof of the baby being thrown out with the bath water.
> >
> > I provided one.  A /21 listed as being dynamic and then being delisted
> 17
> > days later because it was really static.  (and from the ARIN rwhois -

But it really depends on the definition of static.

Do you define static as that range will always be yours nobody else's and
you can always take it with you. Or do you define it as in a pool of IP that
belong to an ISP that support dsl / dialin and other types. Your IP address
may be static to you. But when you leave theres nothing to stop it going
straight into a dynamic pool in the isp. As far as SORBS see it the IP is
static to the ISP not to the end user. They don't even care about the end
user of the IP address. So if the ISP is unresponsive and wont declare its
true list. People like SORBS will just block the entire block. 

This is where the AS routing number come in. Why you must have one and be
able to work with them though the ip address registries. Otherwise they
treat you as if you have no authentication.

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