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Re: exim4 + ldap for virtual domains

Am Montag, den 18. Juli hub jonathan gonzalez folgendes in die Tasten:


> i'm having a lot of trouble while integrating ldap (openldap) and exim4. 
> I would like to know if some of you have integrated the same products 
> and if you can point me in the good direction.

I have this combination running in productive environment.

My exim does more or less only use LDAP as source for any information.

My LDAP structure:

[-] dc=my,dc=base,dc=dn
 [+] ou=dom
  [+] ou=barbarossa.name
  [+] ou=sub.domain.tld
  [-] ou=rfc2324.org
   [+] uid=max

--- BEGIN User entry ---
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: qmailUser
uid: max
uidNumber: 42006
gidNumber: 23017
gecos: Maximilian Wilhelm
mail: max@rfc2324.org
cn: Maximilian Wilhelm
mailMessageStore: /path/to/Maildir/of/user
mailAlternateAddress: maximilian@rfc2324.org
userPassword: <myabsolutlysecretMailboxpassword>
--- END User entry ---

--- BEGIN catchall entry ---
objectClass: top
objectClass: qmailUser
mail: CATCHALL@rfc2324.org
mailForwardingAddress: max@rfc2324.org
--- END catchall entry ---

--- BEGIN forward entry ---
objectClass: top
objectClass: qmailUser
uid: max
mail: max@barbarossa.name
mailForwardingAddress: max@rfc2324.org
--- END forward entry ---

As you see, I'm using the qmail.schema [42] for the mail related stuff.
But here's the point where I made a little hack to make things easier:
 If just changed the qmail schema to a structural class to allow
 minimizing the number of classes to use per user.

Maybe I'll make this point clean in the future. :-)

(The User password supplied above is use be courier which also uses the
 LDAP for information about the Maildir paths.)

Some bits from my exim4.conf:

LDAPSERVER = ldap.dom.ain
LDAPBASE = dc=my,dc=base,dc=dn

# Get the domains
domainlist local_domains = @ : \
    @[] : \
    localhost : \
    my.host.name :\
    lists.dom.ain :\

# Directors

# Check for users in LDAP (only users with local mailboxes)
  driver = accept
  condition = ${if eq {}{${lookup ldap {ldap://LDAPSERVER/ou=${domain},ou=dom,LDAPBASE?mailMessageStore?sub?(|(mail=${local_part}@${domain})(mailAlternateAddress=${local_part}@${domain}))}}}{no}{yes}}
  transport = ldap_delivery

# Check for forwarding entries in LDAP 
  driver = redirect
  data = ${lookup ldap {ldap://LDAPSERVER/ou=${domain},ou=dom,LDAPBASE?mailForwardingAddress?sub?(|(mail=${local_part}@${domain})(mailAlternateAddress=${local_part}@${domain}))} {$value} fail }

# Check the LDAP for existing catchall for this domain.
  driver = redirect
  data = ${lookup ldap {ldap://LDAPSERVER/ou=${domain},ou=dom,LDAPBASE?mailForwardingAddress?sub?(mail=CATCHALL@${domain})} {$value} fail }

# Transports

# Deliver mail to users stored in the LDAP
  driver = appendfile
  check_string = ""
  directory =  ${lookup ldap {ldap://LDAPSERVER/ou=${domain},ou=dom,LDAPBASE?mailMessageStore?sub?(|(mail=${local_part}@${domain})(mailAlternateAddress=${local_part}@${domain}))} {$value} fail }
  directory_mode = 0700
#  user = mail
#  group = mail
  user =  ${lookup ldap {ldap://LDAPSERVER/ou=${domain},ou=dom,LDAPBASE?uidNumber?sub?(|(mail=${local_part}@${domain})(mailAlternateAddress=${local_part}@${domain}))} {$value} fail }
  group =  ${lookup ldap {ldap://LDAPSERVER/ou=${domain},ou=dom,LDAPBASE?gidNumber?sub?(|(mail=${local_part}@${domain})(mailAlternateAddress=${local_part}@${domain}))} {$value} fail }
  message_prefix = ""
  message_suffix = ""
  mode = 0660
#  quota = ${lookup ldap {ldap://LDAPSERVER/ou=${domain},ou=dom,LDAPBASE?mailQuota?sub?(|(mail=${local_part}@${domain})(mailAlternateAddress=${local_part}@${domain}))} {$value}  }

So thats all the magic...

> The biggest trouble is in the most important part of the configuration 
> of exim: virtual_uses, virtual_alias and authenticators.

I have to admit that I do not have authenticator which auth against the
LDAP as it's only a few people who can relay via this server so I hacked
it via a plain text file. If I have the time...

Hope that helps a bit :)


[42] http://www.rfc2324.org/qmail.schema
	Follow the white penguin.

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