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Re: Sarge SMTP Performance

On the 22nd of May 2005 at 00:00, Lars Roland <lroland#gmail.com> wrote:

> Qmail MTA configured with 70 incoming connections.
> ClamAV running as a daemon.
> 10 Spamassassin daemons (spamd)
> Qmail-scanner.

Please replace qmail-scanner with simscan from http://inter7.com/simscan .
Qmail-scanner is written in perl and can kill busy server. When I switched
to simscan, load average on my machine dropped from ~20 to under 0.5.
Simscan has also useful features: rejecting viruses on smtp level, rejecting
spam with score over <number>. Both are configurable per domain at least.
The installation is very easy, the most common problem: make sure that
clamav runs as simscan user (write permissions) :)

 use gnus, not guns!

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