On Sun, 2005-03-06 18:56:51 +0100, martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org> wrote in message <[🔎] 20050306175651.GA31760@cirrus.madduck.net>: > also sprach Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw@lug-owl.de> [2005.03.06.1847 +0100]: > > For my at-home-use, I use OpenVPN. Works very well. > I really don't think OpenVPN will be usable by all the sorry folk > with their company laptops running Windows without giving them admin > rights. It can start as a system service, using fixed configurations, which doesn't neccessarily require any further administration... MfG, JBG -- Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 _ O _ "Eine Freie Meinung in einem Freien Kopf | Gegen Zensur | Gegen Krieg _ _ O fuer einen Freien Staat voll Freier Bürger" | im Internet! | im Irak! O O O ret = do_actions((curr | FREE_SPEECH) & ~(NEW_COPYRIGHT_LAW | DRM | TCPA));
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