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Fwd: Re: Kernel Warnings

Yes, it seems that doesn't recognises the hardware. So compile a new kernel. I 
suggest you the latest stable 2.6 branch. 

Good luck.



PS: Sorry for the crossposting (if any)

Mensaje citado por Agustín Ciciliani <agustin@maderonet.net.ar>:

> Hi Everybody,
> Could you take a look to my /var/log/syslog? The warnings appear when I boot
> the system.
> I've marked the lines I don't know if they're ok with *****
> I'm running debian with a 2.4.19 kernel and I have a D865PERL motherboard if
> it helps...
> Perhaps I should compile a new kernel? In that case, which one do you
> recommend?
> Thanks in advance,
> Agustín

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