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Re: anyone tried ThePlanet.com hosting?


I've had experience with both theplanet and servermatrix.com (which is a 
lower-cost subsidiary of theplanet).  I've had a great experience 
with both companies.  I currently have a debian server at servermatrix 
and couldn't be happier with it.  

I had some pretty specific (and probably unusual) requests for setup of
the server and filesystem layout and they handled them perfectly.  As 
far as uptime goes, it's good enough that I don't even bother to worry 
about it.  They seem to have enough redundancy and, more importantly, 
seem to have more than enough knowledge on how to run things that this 
isn't a concern of mine.

I've had a couple occasions to use their tech support, like when I hosed 
the first kernel recompile as I figured out the right drivers for the 
hardware.  In general they appeared knowledgeable.  I have pretty good 
confidence that if something goes wrong and I need eyes and hands on the 
console that they would be able to help out.  Just as important, they're 
*willing* to help out.  The people I've dealt with have been 
professional and courteous.

Naturally, all of this is based solely on my experience with both
companies over the last ~14 months, so your experience may vary.  Also,
fyi, I manage my own server so I have no experience with their control
panel software or any of their managed or partically-managed plans.


On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 01:37:03AM +0800, Chad Adlawan wrote:
> Good Day Everyone!
> Has anybody here tried hosting or getting a hosting solution from
> ThePlanet.com? I've been surfing their site, trying live chat with
> their sales reps, and was pretty much satisfied with the way they
> handled my queries. They also offer good packages PLUS the fact that
> they offer Debian hosting.
> So before I sign-up, can anyone here who has any experience with them
> offer me/us a review of what their service is like? Uptime, tech
> support, competence in general?
> Many thanks!
> Chad
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