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Re: Bayes filter at ISPs

On Thu, 2004-02-19 at 06:09, Adam ENDRODI wrote:

> I suppose many of you use Bayesian spamfilters at the ISP level.
> I'd like to ask how do you teach it to separate ham and spam
> correctly?  In particular, how do I select a representative set
> of ham and spam?  Is it a good idea to deploy bogofilter for an
> entire organization at all?

This will only help if you're users have login capabilities, but I use a
cron that calls, I don't know if this is doable w/out login shells for
the users.

for i in `ls /home/`;do  user=$(echo ${i} | awk -F/ '{print $1}'); su -
${user} -- sa-learn --spam /home/${user}/mail/spam; done;

Obviously this is for spamassassin, but there must be a learning
capability with bogofilter. It ensures that the user just has to throw
their spam in ~/mail/spam and it updates their bayes db's. Then a
standard .procmailrc in /etc/skel and all the users home dirs to check
for headers.

I find this is better then a global bayesian filter because with all of
the users, the Bayesian filter tends to useless. I do use SA w/out
bayesian filters at the top level though.

> thanks,
> adam


Lance Levsen, Catprint Computing
Linux Systems and programming
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