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Accessing windows share throught http

I try again on this list:
  I have seen somewhere a program that acts as a web server that allows to 
browse throught the window (and samba) servers in a subnet, from a single 
This wopuld allow people to browse in public shares in the hosts in the 
subnet (and retrieve files, giving username/password) via an access via port 
80|443 on the web server, without need to open netbios ports outside 
I do not remember the name of the package ... however !!!

Leonardo Boselli
Nucleo informatico e Telematico 
Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile
Universita` di Firenze
Via Santa Marta 3
I-50139 Firenze
+39 055-4796-431
+39 348-8605-348
fax 055-495-333

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