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Re: Documentation of big "mail systems"?

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 00:17, Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer@nic.fr> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 16, 2004 at 09:41:43PM +1000,
>  a message of 39 lines which said:
> > Getting servers that each have 200G or 300G of storage is easy.
> For a mail server, it means either 1G per user (like gmail gives you)
> for only 300 users or 10M (much less than hotmail) for 30 000
> users. It is probably not enough for a Hotmail-like service. Think of
> 300 000 users. How many servers will you need?

10M is a more common limit than 1G.  Most people don't use their limit, most 
people who do use their limit only do so by subscribing to mailing lists and 
not checking their email.

A gmail service is entirely different to an ISP mail server.  The common use 
of an ISP mail server is to allow download and delete via pop.

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