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Re: why multicasting is working?

Check to see if the kernel switches are on (1) or off (0):

find /proc/net -name '*cast*

find /proc/sys -name '*cast*'

On 15/10/04 15:20 +0400, Oleg Butorin wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have two linux debian systems, one with kernel 2.2.18, another with 
> 2.4.20.
> Both kernels have option "IP: multicasting" DISABLED. However
> multicasting is working and both systems answered if I ping,
> and multicast programs are working! The question is: why this option
> "IP: multicasting" is present in the kernel, if multicasting is always
> working???
> Thank you.
> -- 
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Ted Knab
Chester, Maryland  21619 USA
The perception of knowledge is an egotistical farce in which
primates extrapolate an understanding of human existance.
Existance itself is transient state that passes upon death. Like
material gain, the knowledge gained in life is completely useless
at the time of death. Not even the knowlege of death itself will save you.
Thus, enjoy your transient existance for death is believed to be 
hastily approaching.
        -- an unknown smartass

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