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run apt-get upgrade via ssh batch login doesn't work

I have a script that connects to all my machines and runs:
apt-get update.

If instead I run apt-get upgrade, it gives an error about:
Not being able to find the path, correctly.

dpkg: `ldconfig' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `start-stop-daemon' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `install-info' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH.
dpkg: 4 expected program(s) not found on PATH.
NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin.

How to set the path correctly for a batch run of an ssh login for an
apt-get upgrade?

If you connect to a machine with a command listed as part of hte ssh
command it will connect non-interactivelly and run the command and exit
when the command completes.
like such:

ssh foo.example.com apt-get upgrade -y

--Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman

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