Re: restricting sftp/ssh login access
First off, I make a small mistake, the package I used was "jailkit",
from either:
It has tons of documentation to help you create a jailed environment,
including loading your jail with whatever executables needed.
Looks like I simplified my script to one line:
This produces a group of daemonized processes:
nobody 13659 13658 0 Apr18 ? 00:00:00 [jk_socketd]
but I think that I had a much more elaborate script to
{start|stop|restart} this daemon, something like:
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting Chroot Jail Server: chroot jail"
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile
/var/run/ --exec /usr/sbin/jk_socketd --
echo "."
echo -n "Stopping Chroot Jail Server: chroot jail"
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile
echo "."
echo -n "Restarting Chroot Jail Server: chroot jail"
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry 30 --pidfile
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile
/var/run/ --exec /usr/sbin/jk_socketd --
echo "."
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/chroot_jail {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
exit 0
--- Andreas John <> wrote:
> Hi Mark!
> > You will need to run a special daemon (jk_socketd) to log users
> into the
> > jail, but that is about the hardest part. I'll post my startup
> script
> > if you would like.
> Do I need the ssh-patch if I run this jk_socketd? Does it replace
> that
> patch? It's pain in the ass to maintain an ssh package that is
> seperate
> from the debian tree.
> And yes - please post me that startup-script. Would be nice.
> Best regards and many pengiuns,
> Andreas
> --
> Andreas John
> net-lab GmbH
> Luisenstrasse 30b
> 63067 Offenbach
> Tel: +49 69 85700331
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