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Help needed with network and apache

I am having problems to access my apache server from the outside world. From
within the LAN (behind a router) all works fine; (the problem is not the
router!, I disconnected the router and connected the machine directly out to
conduct the tests) I suspect that it has to do with my network
configuration, plus may be some other apache configuration problem.
I have a testing machine, kernel 2.4.18
I will include some facts that I hope will help someone help me fix this:

1. Mail received from anacron:


Leafnode must have a fully-qualified and globally unique domain name,
not just "debian".
Edit your /etc/hosts file to add a unique, fully qualified domain name.
"localhost.localdomain" or thereabouts will not work;
it's qualified, but not unique.
Please see the README-FQDN file for details.
/etc/cron.daily/leafnode: line 18: 13266 Aborted                 su news
-c "/usr/sbin/texpire" >/dev/null

2. /etc/hosts

debian:~$ cat /etc/hosts  debian  localhost

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
# (added automatically by netbase upgrade)

::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

3. Message captured while booting:

Starting webserver: apache [Thu Apr 3 19:54:15 2003] [alert] apache: Could
not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for

So I know that I have to fix the /etc/hosts files, I own some domain name,
that I tried to use in there but it made the things worse. I edited
/etc/hosts to sub.mydomain.name.org localhost  # didn't work
20.45.blah.blah sub.mydomain.name  # didn't work

I figure that I need to make correspond the name of the machine (debian now)
to the name of the server in /etc/hosts, but I am not sure. The name seems
to appear in several configuration files (httpd.conf for instance), but I
will need some guidance here.
Do we have any tool that would take care of reconfiguring everything to the
required state?
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated, detailed ones will be even better.
Thanks to all,

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