debian-isp Oct 2002 by thread
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- Adjusting php flags on a site by site basis. Fred Clausen
- Odd network behaviour Simon Bland
- Re: understanding Routing Cisco vs. Linux Jean-Francois Dive
- debian install on software raid valerian
- UUNet down Jason Lim
- SQUID LOG Ángel Carrasco
- unsubscribe MC Yi
- Apache logrotate problem - SN-a-001 Statu Nascendi
- how to use web based change LDAP password? axacheng
- POP-before-SMTP w/Exim and Courier IMAP/POP? Jeremy Zawodny
- Problem with ifconfig??? Andres Junge Mac-Evoy
- LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Jason Lim
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Joey Hess
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Jason Lim
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Todd Charron
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Alex Borges (lex)
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Jason Lim
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Juha-Matti Tapio
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective brian moore
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Toni Mueller
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Lukas Eppler
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Alex Borges (lex)
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Jason Lim
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Nathan E Norman
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Jason Lim
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Emile van Bergen
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Jason Lim
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Toni Mueller
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective martin f krafft
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Marcel Hicking
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Joey Hess
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Todd Charron
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Gene Grimm
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Todd Charron
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Jason Lim
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Jason Lim
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective C. R. Oldham
- Re: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective Jason Lim
- Problems with horde-imp under postgresql UnKnown
- Cyrus login with ? Marcel Hicking
- Apache / SUEXEC on woody... Justin Ryan
- Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded Keith G. Murphy
- Re: Fw: VIRUS IN YOUR MAIL (W32/BugBear.A (Clam)) Russell Coker
- Spamd not accessing MySQL database Gene Grimm
- mon - monitor hosts Support XFS filesystem? axacheng
- Ihre Website bringt jetzt Bares! Webpartner
- Re: Problems with horde-imp under postgresql Sven Wilhelm
- Converting /home/* from Susie to Debian Garry Byrne
- ipchains and ftp problem Erik Dörnbach
- Problems with sync NFSv3 Christian Hammers
- Software backup (was: New approach with removable IDE RAID Backup) Iñaki Martínez
- NETWORK ROUTES Ángel Carrasco
- [Help] continue https certificate date axacheng
- shaper problem Héctor Castillo
- Easy way to control .forward files? Tony Wasson
- [Commercial] Need a Debian unmanaged server Sanjeev "Ghane" Gupta
- LDAP and email tps
- mysqlsnapshot and InnoDB tables Amaya
- blocking trough MAC Address UnKnown
- Re: help with user quotas Daniele Becchi
- expect Russell Coker
- Haftalik Bulten YPBİM
- Controlling IP traffic (e.g. per month) Dieter Heiliger
- SpamAssassin not using MySQL preferences Gene Grimm
- port 137 scans Russell Coker
- Moving from BSDi Scott St. John
Re: Moving from BSDi Fred Clausen
sendmail upgrade Glenn Hocking
apache broke Teun Vink
DNS zone file audit tool I. Forbes
Using testing (sarge) in production. Fred Clausen
Ok, I'm sold! Scott St. John
Rare masq. problem Alex Borges (lex)
AW: Ok, I'm sold! Kaiser, Michael (ZIVP)
pam_userdb and version of .db-file Robert Waldner
Postfix + SASL Authentication failed Davi Leal
Problem with sshd2 package ssh2 UnKnown
Making packages apt-get able. Fred Clausen
Forced DHCP setup Alex Borges (lex)
[RE: Forced DHCP setup] John
subscribe Mike Thompson
Problem with dlink DSL-Router Markus Lechner
The last update was on 16:46 GMT Wed May 01. There are 212 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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