[Help] IDE Raid
Hello List :
i have a question confused me .......
i dont know whats name of IDE Raid card that is good compatibility in Debian Woody...... ()
i have used a IDE Raid card which is CMD640 chip.....Howerver, when i prepartition in installation process, Debian woody just
find /dev/hda and /dev/hdb!!!!! it seems INCORRECT!!!!!! CORRECT result is /dev/sda..... (My kernel is 2.4.18-xfs)
i am very sure my boot floppy have been already support CMD640 chip!!! but .......its NOT working when i partition my Disk!!!!
i have been surveyed http://bulmalug.net/body.phtml?nIdNoticia=1067&nIdPage=4 and try to use PDC20268 chip....its the same result (NOT WORK)>_<
Does everyone knows what is IDE Raid Card have easy to implement and Good compatibility with Debian Woody????
Thank You Very Very Much......
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