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Postfix / Courier IMAP maildir quotas

Here's my setup:

 - a Woody box 
 - Postfix delivers mail to /var/imap/mydomain/<user>
 - Courier IMAP is my generic IMAP server
 - There is a group quota for /var/imap partition

Disk quotas for group vmail (gid 1001):
  Filesystem     blocks       soft       hard     inodes soft hard
  dev/sda5      122084     200000     200000       8518   0    0
 - all users are assigned userid and group id of vmail
 - all users use an IMAP client to fetch their mail
 - I am using LDAP with Courier and Postfix so none of the users have a shell account.

 The problem is that quotas are not working.
 I was trying to setup up 20M limits for everyone at the kernel level.
 I was also trying to setup 20M limits at the application (courier)

 This is a live system with 50 users. In a few weeks, 1992 users will be
 on it. 

 How could I redesign this system with the minium amount of work to
 ensure mail quotas would function properly ?

 My sample LDAP entry for a generic 20M quota user:

 dn: uid=tknab2,ou=mailaccounts,dc=mycoll,dc=edu
 uid: tknab2
 cn: Ted [ Theodore ]  Knab
 mail: Theodore.Knab@mycoll.edu
 mail: Tknab2@mycoll.edu
 mail: tknab2@mycoll.edu
 mail: tknab2@imap.mycoll.edu
 mail: Theodore.Knab@imap.mycoll.edu
 uidNumber: 1005
 gidNumber: 1001
 mailhost: imap.mycoll.edu
 accountstatus: active
 homedirectory: /var/imap/mycoll/tknab2
 mailmessagestore: /var/imap/mycoll/tknab2/Maildir
 mailForwardingAddress: Theodore.Knab@imap.mycoll.edu
 mailquota: 200000000S, 20000C
 mailbox: tknab2/Maildir/
 clearpassword: not-real
 objectClass: qmailuser
 objectClass: couriermailaccount

 imap:/var/imap/mycoll# grep -v ^# /etc/courier/authldaprc 

 LDAP_SERVER             myldapserver
 LDAP_PORT               389
 LDAP_BASEDN             ou=mailaccounts,dc=mycoll,dc=edu
 LDAP_BINDDN             cn=courier,dc=mycoll,dc=edu
 LDAP_BINDPW             notreal 
 LDAP_TIMEOUT            10      
 LDAP_MAIL               mail
 LDAP_DOMAIN             mycoll.edu
 LDAP_GLOB_UID           vmail
 LDAP_GLOB_GID           vmail
 LDAP_HOMEDIR            homeDirectory
 LDAP_MAILDIRQUOTA       mailquota
 LDAP_FULLNAME           cn
 LDAP_CLEARPW            clearPassword
 LDAP_CRYPTPW            userPassword

imap:/var/imap/mycoll# postconf -n
biff = no
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
debug_peer_level = 2
delay_warning_time = 4
local_recipient_maps = $virtual_mailbox_maps
local_transport = virtual
mail_owner = postfix
mailbox_size_limit = 20480000  #20M
mydestination = $myhostname, $mydomain, localhost.$mydomain
mydomain = mycoll.edu
myhostname = imap.mycoll.edu
mynetworks =
myorigin = $mydomain
program_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
smtpd_banner = $myhostname NO UCE ESMTP  (NO SPAM PLEASE)
virtual_gid_maps = static:1001
virtual_mailbox_base = /var/imap/mycoll/
virtual_mailbox_maps = ldap:ldapsource
virtual_minimum_uid = 500
virtual_uid_maps = static:1001

Ted Knab

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